Financial Services
Banking and Financial Industry
In order to improve your business strategy, it is essential to know all the parties involved in the financial system and their interactions.
Based on over three decades of experience as advisors and service providers, our specialized team in the financial sector has a deep knowledge of the key factors of the industry and have the skills required to propose innovative and convenient solutions.
We provide the following services to the Financial Sector:
- Business Strategy
- We provide assistance for asset origination and new business development.
- We devise strategies to secure financing from the capital market.
- We develop strategic solutions to meet regulatory requirements.
- Corporate Finance Advisory
- We conduct market surveys and sector reports at local and international level.
- We assess the main risk indicators in the sector.
- We developed AQC (Asset Quality Control) to assess risk in credit portfolios.
- M&A
- We have been involved in the sales of Banks and Financial Companies that have become milestones in the Argentine Financial System.
- We provide sell-side assistance in NPL portfolios.
- Deal Implementation
- We provide business and regulatory advisory services to International Banks and local businessmen seeking to enter the Argentine Financial Market.
- Valuation
- We have valuated a wide range of financial entities, including Banks, Financial Companies, Credit Cards, Cooperatives, etc.
- We conducted credit portfolio valuations for transactions between entities.
- We conducted Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) processes for the acquisition of banks in the region by foreign banks.
- Fairness Opinion
- We drafted the Fairness Opinion report on the delisting of a local Bank from the Argentine Stock Exchange Index (Merval), one of the main delisting cases.
- Securitization
- Since 1996, we have developed asset securitization programs for a wide range of Banks, Financial Companies, Credit Card Issuers and Credit Cooperatives.
- We hold a leading position as Revision and Control Agents (Master Servicer) for Entities acting as Trustees in asset securitization transactions.
- Corporate Debt
- We provide advisory services in developing corporate debt issuance programs.
- We hold a leading position as Revision and Control Agents (Master Servicer) for Entities acting as Trustees in asset securitization transactions.
- Restructuring
- We were actively involved in the banking sector reorganization process (23 out of 27 M&A transactions, for local and international investors) during the Tequila crisis.
- We were the Main Advisor to the Steering Committee in the largest restructuring process of international private debt, worth USD 1,475 million.


Securitization and Master Servicer


Corporate Debt
